-Family Webpages-

Monday, August 8, 2011

-Big Bear Lake Vacation-

It is nice to get a bunch of things done at one time. So was it with our mini-vacation to Big Bear Lake. Since the time we took over Carroll's WorldMark timeshare we have always wanted to visit one located at Big Bear Lake. Well, low and behold there just happened to be a new charity bike ride on the first weekend in August. So, guess what? We headed to Big Bear to rest and relax from our strenuous retirement life and participate in a fun bike ride around the lake and visit the timeshare. But some added treats were to visit with my former working partner and friend Marty and his family at their vacation cabin on the lake and head down the mountain to also visit with the Erquiagas and play with CJ's new blocks that Grandma bought him. What a great time with great weather, so much fun. View some of our photos by clicking on "Big Bear Lake Vacation Photos."

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